Have you properly assessed risks in your organisation?
Employers have a legal duty to do everything "reasonably practicable" to protect people from foreseeable risks to their health and safety from work activities.
"Risk assessment is not about creating huge amounts of paperwork, but rather about identifying sensible measures to control the risks in your workplace"
With a little training, mentoring and the gaining of some experience, most managers should be able to identify the hazards and carry out a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks in a low risk environment.
In more complex situations professional assistance may be required particularly to:
- identify hazards that might be overlooked through lack of knowledge or over familiarity with the workplace
- ensure that legal required risk mitigation measures are being complied with
- understand how risks from a range of activities could be interrelated
- provide an independent view of what would be considered to be reasonably practicable measures in mitigating risk
Do your risk assessments cover all they need to?
Contact us to find out how we can help with your risk assessment processes.